About 43 kms from Pune on the Pune-Solapur highway route at Yavat, lies this beautiful Agri Resort. A 26 acre property, offers a perfect one day picnic for groups of adults and/or children.

Posted by A G Aranha | 15-3-2022
About 43 kms from Pune on the Pune-Solapur highway route at Yavat, lies this beautiful Agri Resort. A 26 acre property, offers a perfect one day picnic for groups of adults and/or children.
From Pune take the Sholapur highway past Hadapsar, Uruli Kanchan, Loni onwards to Yavat. At Yavat market area take the service road and take left turn. The Google map will show the driving direction to the Resort.
Private buses and Public transport is available upto Daund. From there you can take local transport. You can travel by train upto Yevat or Khutbav stations on the Daund route.
The resort offers a lot of activities for individuals as well as groups. Because it is a picnic spot, groups are known to enjoy it more.
Some of the activities offered are :
One you reach the Resort, breakfast between 9.30 am to 11.30 am. There is an observation tower next to the Dining area. Once on top of the Observation Tower, you can see the Matoba Lake and a panoramic view of the resort and surrounding area. There is a cycling stand near the Observation Tower. You can hire the cycles at a charge. There is a sugarcane juice counter next to the Cycling stand. Unlimited sugar cane juice is offered by the resort between 10.30 am to 1.30 pm and 3.00pm to 4.30pm from the cane grown in their own property. Between 10.30a.m to 5.30 p.m., you can explore the resort.
When you enter the resort from the main gate, on the left side is the boating area. These are small pedaling boats with a round trip of a small area. Opposite to the boating area is the Rain Dance area. They provide DJ Music for the Rain Dance. Next to the Rain Dance area are the swimming pools. There are two swimming pools-one for adults and the other for children with limited depth. Swimming pool is the most used activity at the resort. There will be Magic Show in the Conference Hall between 3.15p.m. to 4.00p.m.
Thereafter the Tractor Ride to the Matoba Lake and back (just a ride no stop) commences at 4.00 p.m. and continues till 6.00 p.m. There is also Bullock Cart Ride within the farm area between 4.00pm and 6.00pm. Next to the Dining area is the Karaoke Center for karaoke singing between 4.00pm to 6.00 pm.
Vegetarian Lunch is between 2.00pm to 3.15p.m in the Dining area. There are periodical announcements to the various activities. Hi-tea is between 4.30pm to 6.00p.m.
Cycling and Go-Karting activities are chargeable. All other activities are free.
I would say this is an ideal spot for one day picnic around Pune in groups.